Jakub Profile Picture

Hi 👋🏻 I'm Jakub.

📍Dubai. Entrepreneur and Investor.

My background

▶︎ ​Started first business as 16-17y.o

▶︎ Sold app at 19y.o​​

▶︎ Studied Alternative Investments at Harvard Business School online (​Private Equity, Private Debt, Distress Investing, Secondaries, Hedge Funds, Real Estate, Portfolio Construction)​​

▶︎ Joined a $100m VC fund → where I invested in a couple of startups (valued at $1.1 billion)​​

▶︎ Started lead gen brands in financial services and legal at 20y.o - grew to multi-7 figures

▶︎ I run marketing newsletter just for fun: insider.marketing case studies

FAQ image
Bitmoji - Free Resources

$7.18M+ With Under 7 Clients

See how I get $30k to $150k per month from each client by selling leads

Thumbnail - $2.67M with 1 client in 19 months

CASE STUDY: $2.67M. 1 Client. 19 months.

Strategies on acquiring, onboarding and retaining $1M+/year clients

insider.marketing case studies

3 New Marketing Ideas. 2 Mins. 1x Per Week.

See the top ads, copywriting tips and psychology tactics all in one place

Bitmoji - Free Resources

Private group for top 1% marketers

Build a cashflow producing lead gen business